
By Kim Twiggs|27/07/2024
Food as Medicine Nature Natural Remedy

Colon Hydrotherapy – Tips from the expert

If you’ve never had Colon Hydrotherapy before, the first time can be a little daunting.

Here’s some advice from Kim, one of our Colon Hydrotherapists, which can help you get the best out of your session:

Hydration is really important, both before and after – make sure you drink lots of water!

To make the experience more comfortable, try to avoid gas-forming foods before your session – best avoid those beans on toast or cauliflower and cabbage stew!

Try not to eat two hours before your session too; it will make the abdominal massage part of the process much easier.

After your session drink more water and definitely avoid alcohol that day.

Cooked food is easier to digest than raw fruit and vegetables, and fish or chicken are easier to digest than meat so it’s probably best to avoid that steak!