Relationship coaching
Many of us struggle in the often confusing and triggering world of relationships. Whether they be work, family or romantic.
Working closely with a relationship coach can radically improve your chances of success and prevent you from repeating old unhelpful patterns and negative outcomes. Together with your therapist you will identify gaps in your relationship knowledge and skills and help you improve your mindset.
They will help you identify your desired relationship goals, develop an action plan and timeline, and ensure you remain accountable and on track.
Spiritual Coaching
Spiritual coaching supports you to explore and enhance your spirituality. Whether that spirituality be based in a formalised religion or not.
Your therapist believes firmly that clients already have the answers within themselves, that they just need the confidence to truly trust and act on their inner wisdom.
Together you will identify your spiritual values and beliefs and develop or further enhance your spiritual practice, helping you integrate your spiritual connection more fully into your daily life.