For people affected by injury, illness or by developmental or other disabilities, physiotherapy uses evidence based physical approaches to promote, maintain and restore physical, psychological and social well-being.
The first appointment will take 45 minutes. It will include a full assessment, with a few questions for you to answer to obtain all of the relevant information regarding the problem and to ascertain your goals for treatment. It will also include a comprehensive physical examination that assesses not only the problem area but also other areas that may be contributing to the problem. The diagnosis and prognosis are then discussed with the patient and together a goal orientated treatment plan is established. Subsequent appointments will likely range between 30 to 45 minutes.
Accurately diagnosing the nature and severity of a problem, but also identifying its underlying cause is essential to physiotherapy. By treating the source of a problem rather than just its symptoms, treatment is likely to be more effective in curing the problem as well as preventing any re-occurrence. Treatment is multi-faceted and will include manual ‘hands-on’ techniques to reduce pain and increase movement in the short-term and specific exercises to correct posture, improve muscle function and movement control for a long term solution.
•Sciatica & trapped nerves
•Muscle tension and imbalances
•Muscle injuries
•Work related and postural disorders
•Knee Injuries – ACL injury, medial ligament tears, meniscus tears, patella Pain, Jumper’s Knee, Osgood Schlatter’s disease
•Lower Leg and Ankle Injuries – shin splints, ankle sprain, calf strain, muscle tears, anterior compartment
•Elbow Injuries – tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow, bursitis
•Foot Injuries – Plantar Fascitis, Heel pain, Foot Pain
•Arm/hand pain/ RSI
•Neck pain – whiplash, disc prolapse, postural
•Shoulder dysfunctions – rotator cuff injury, dislocated shoulder, AC joint sprain
•Back pain – acute low back pain, chronic low back pain, sciatica, prolapsed disc
•Joint and spinal mobilisation and manipulation
•Soft tissue massage
•Myofascial release techniques
•Individualised exercise therapy and rehabilitation
•Dry needling
•Advice and education – because self management is so important!