Post Natal Reflexology can help …
- Rebalance hormones to assist with regulating moods.
- Boost and maintain energy levels, which may be lower due to the exertions of labour, the task of looking after a new baby, and disrupted sleep patterns.
- With breast milk production and healing/strengthening the breast area.
- Release any compression of the spine and sciatic region that may have occurred during pregnancy.
- Regulate sleep-wake cycles and encourage good quality sleep.
- Boost the immune system to keep new mums well.
- Increase circulation to help with any remaining water retention.
- Increase flow of energy and fresh blood to organs to help them recover more quickly post-partum.
- To relax your body and mind and provide some time just for you.
Post Natal reflexology is not only a balancing treatment, you may also find that you feel as though you’ve had a deep sleep following a reflexology session.
Some people notice that regular reflexology treatments helps to improve the quality of their sleep, improve their mood and immune system, however everyone responds differently, so the only way to find out how you’ll feel is to book yourself in for a treatment!
Not only will reflexology help to rebalance your system you’ll also find that reflexology can leave you feeling calm and refreshed.
Regular reflexology sessions are suggested for optimal results.